Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Mission Statement
A network of friends, inspired by
Gospel Values,
growing in holiness and building
a more just world
through personal relationships with and
service to people in need.
Holiness of Life
Growth in intimacy with Jesus is a life-long process
is essential, personal and communal
Service of the Poor
The dignity of the human person The preferential option for the poor The identification of Jesus with the poor
The virtue of humility, personal and corporate Poverty in spirit is the primary Beatitude
The virtue of simplicity Jesus is the Evangelizer and Servant of the Poor Divine Providence
The Society is concerned with charity and justice The virtue of charity within and outside of the Society Solidarity
Community of Faith
Friendship Community
End Poverty through Systemic Change
2714 169th Street, Hammond, Indiana 46323, United States
219-845-7531 Mike Martinelli -Council President
The SVDP District Council phone takes
messages 24/7. Volunteers come in 4 days a week to catch up on calls. Leave your name and phone number on the answering machine and someone will contact you ASAP.
Your support and contributions will enable us to assist people in need of food, financial assistance for housing and utilities, medication, transportation, etc.